Below are links to pictures and trip reports of various excursions over the years.
What's "'New"
Canyon Hiking, Capitol Reef and Escalante (April 2024)
Canyon Hiking, Grand Gulch, Utah (October, 2019)
Backpacking with Cal, Lake near McCall, Idaho (July, 2019)
Backcountry Ski Day, Sawtooths, Idaho (May, 2019)
Eclipse 2017, Sawtooths, Idaho (August, 2017)
Spring Break, Yucatan, Mexico (March/April, 2017)
Backpacking trip with llamas, White Clouds (July, 2016)
Road Trip to northern California coast with Peter and Cal (June, 2016)
Trip to Costa Rica (February, 2015)
White Clouds Backpacking, Family Trip with Willerups, Born Lakes (Labor Day 2014)
White Clouds Backpacking, Chamberlain Basin, Sharpes, Chadwick. (August 2014)
Oahu North Shore, Spring Break, 2014.
White Clouds Backpacking, Upper Boulder Chain Lakes, Sharpes, Chadwick, Willerup, Woods. (August 2013)
Oregon, Spring Break. Adrian, Peter, Cal. (March 2013)
Sawtooths Backpacking, Lake 8733, 2nd time around. Clark Miller, Paul Woods, Bob O'Melia, Brian Wallingford (August 2012)
White Clouds Backpacking, Big Boulder Lakes, Sharpes, Chadwick, Willerup. (August 2012)
Sawtooth Backpacking, Braxon/Heyburn, Sharpes, Chadwick. (August 2011)
Technical Canyoneering Trip, San Rafael Swell, Utah. (April/May 2011)
Canyon Country!
Canyon Hiking, Capitol Reef and Escalante (April 2024)
Canyon Hiking, Grand Gulch, Utah (October, 2019)
Technical Canyoneering Trip, San Rafael Swell, Utah. (April/May 2011)
Family Camping Trip, Rugged South-east Utah (June 2010)
Blue John Canyon, slot canyon in southern Utah (April 2008) with Mike Dawson
San Rafael Swell, Adrian/Kira/Peter (May 2002)
San Rafael Swell with Paul Woods (May 2001)
San Rafael Swell with Craig Jenkins (May 2001)
Sawtooth/White Clouds Series
Eclipse 2017, Sawtooths, Idaho (August, 2017)
Backpacking trip with llamas, White Clouds (July, 2016)
White Clouds Backpacking, Tin Cup Lake, Sharpes, Chadwick. (August 2015)
White Clouds Backpacking, Chamberlain Basin, Sharpes, Chadwick. (August 2014)
White Clouds Backpacking, Upper Boulder Chain Lakes, Sharpes, Chadwick, Willerup, Woods. (August 2013)
Sawtooths Backpacking, Lake 8733, 2nd time around. Clark Miller, Paul Woods, Bob O'Melia, Brian Wallingford (August 2012)
White Clouds Backpacking, Big Boulder Lakes, Sharpes, Chadwick, Willerup. (August 2012)
Sawtooth Backpacking, Braxon/Heyburn, Sharpes, Chadwick. (August 2011)
White Clouds Backpacking, Quiet Lake (Aug 2010) with Sharpes/Chadwick/Willerup/Jenne
Sawtooth Backpacking, Snowyside Peak (Aug 2009) with Sharpes/Chadwick
Bagging Alpine Peak (Sawtooths) with Fred Willerup (September 2008)
Sawtooth Backpacking, Above Goat Lake (Aug 2008), with Sharpes/Chadwick
Sawtooth Backpacking, Finger of Fate, (September 2007) with Fred Willerup
Sawtooth Backpacking, Finger of Fate (Aug 2006)
Sawtooth Backpacking, Warbonnet Basin (Aug 2005)
Sawtooth Backpacking, Lake 8733 (Aug 2004)
Backpacking, Sawtooths, Upper Redfish Lakes (Aug 2003)
Trans-Sawtooth Backpack Trip (Aug 2002)
Sawtooth Backpacking, Lake Notellum (July 2000)
Backpacking Sawtooths, Imogene Peak/Lake Notellum (Sept 1998)
Braxon Peak, Sawtooths, Idaho (July 1998)
Backpacking, Thompson Peak, Sawtooths (Sept 1997)
Other Backpacking/Hiking
Blue John Canyon, slot canyon in southern Utah (April 2008) with Mike Dawson
San Rafael Swell, Adrian/Kira/Peter (May 2002)
San Rafael Swell with Craig Jenkins (May 2001)
Hyndman Peak, Idaho (July 2000)
Backpacking, Steel Mtn. Trinities, ID (July 2000)
Borah Peak, Idaho (Aug 1997)
Trip Reports
Trip to Costa Rica (February, 2015)
Oahu North Shore!!! Spring Break (March 2014)
Maui!!! Spring Break (March/April 2011)
Family Camping Trip, Rugged South-east Utah (June 2010)
Family Trip to Crater Lake, Oregon (Aug 2008)
San Rafael Swell with Paul Woods (May 2001)
Spring Break in Grand Gulch, UT (March 2001)
Kira and Adrian's Honeymoon, Escalante, Utah (June 2000)
Alaska (June 1999)
South Africa (April 1998)
Hell's Canyon Float Trip (Oct 2005)
Rafting South Fork Payette, Canyon stretch (June 2004)
Float Bear Valley Creek, Idaho (July 2000)
Whitewater Rafting, Middle Fork Salmon River, Idaho (Aug 1998)
Thanksgiving at Grand Targhee (Nov 2002)
Bos Family Reunion (Nov 2002)
Adrian's 20th High School Reunion, Las Vegas (July 2001)
Camping, Uintas, Utah (Sept 2000)
Sawtooth Relay (July 2000)
Uncle Snoopy's House, Olympia, WA (1999)